The Constructability VIP has
changed from being a once only application to being applied three times
during the project development process. |
Example Applications:
Fast-track luxury development; towers to 69 storeys, 400,000m3
- $530M
(click for details)
Early design stage, although some foundation work in progress on
site |
Workshop Output:
Capital cost reduction, construction risk management framework in
place and improved constructability, especially in regards to the high
rise progress |
Project: Dam
and Irrigation System ($200M Min.)
(click for details)
Detailed design in progress |
Scope of Study:
To meet water demands for
irrigation, municipal supply, industrial and power generation |
Workshop Output:
Potential for 50% ($100M) capital cost savings and 2-years earlier
operation through improved constructability |
Sewage Disposal for 1 million population city - $82M
(click for details)
15% construction completion |
Scope of Study:
Sewerage network and sewage
treatment system |
Workshop Output:
Potential 14% capital cost saving, some annual operation operational
cost savings, 1-year earlier operation, reduced odor, less land take,
more consistent effluent quality.
Concrete Arch Dam (US$33M)
(click for details)
Construction 41% complete |
Scope of Study:
Dam body, spillway, plunge
pool, grout curtain, concrete production, placing, cooling and curing |
Study Output:
Potential US$0.78M construction savings and 2 months earlier
impoundment for 1-year additional generating capability through
improved constructability. |