The Performance Criteria & Measures
technique uses project, product, program, or organization specific
performance criteria and detailed means of measuring those specific
criteria to better evaluate alternative solutions and insure selection
of the best performing, best value alternative. |
Performance Criteria & Measures can be
invaluable in ensuring that the right problem is being solved and,
when used in conjunction with another VIP, in dramatically increasing
the implementation of the other VIP’s recommendations. This VIP is
especially effective within value analysis, value engineering, value
management, and risk management, and on its own for strategic decision
Example Applications:
Project: Use of performance criteria and
measures techniques in Value Engineering study
led to significant project performance
improvement in safety and operations,
obtained full value from freeway
improvements by addressing interactions with local roads, and avoided
future life cycle maintenance, detour, and road user costs.
Project: Use of performance criteria and
measures techniques in Value Engineering study
led to two potential solutions which avoided
cost and time implications of contentious property acquisition while
reducing capital cost of this bridge replacement project. |
Project: Selection of mode,
routing and corridor (horizontal and vertical) alignments for major
urban rail project