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Martyn Phillips |

Martyn Phillips is qualified formally as:
Value Specialist, United States CVS
- Certificated Value Manager,
United Kingdom, CVM
- Professional in Value
Management, Europe, PVM
- Fellow of the Institution of
Civil Engineers FICE
- Fellow of the Chartered
Institution of Water and Environmental Management (UK) FCIWEM
- Professional Engineer Alberta,
Canada P.Eng.
Martyn has
represented owner-utility organizations, contractors and consultants in a
variety of posts since 1964 and on projects of up to US$6 Billion
construction cost.
His early
technical specialisms were structural engineering and construction
management, followed by environmental improvement.
He provides
risk and value management consulting services worldwide, particularly in the
areas of strategic planning, value engineering, project management, and
related training.
Areas of
activity include traditional construction,
design-build-finance-operate-transfer, environmental, industrial and soft
systems & procedures.
Martyn has
served as the SAVE International Vice President of Services & Systems and as
Director of International Affairs for Canada.