Based on the author¹s experiences in leading VM / VE
workshops on several projects with very broad scope lines in 1998, this paper
discusses the use of FAST to refine and control the direction of a VM workshop
and, ultimately, the project under study. Three specific case studies are
presented, ranging from FAST development by the VM team in the conventional
manner to CVS development of a FAST diagram off-line encompassing both program
and project development. Use of the FAST diagrams themselves as Focus Diagrams
can, similarly, yield a framework to shape and control programs and projects,
particularly for matters of major policy and complex/controversial issues.
FAST diagrams have often
been a hot bed of contention between value practitioners. Some say if you do not
use FAST, you are not following the value methodology. Fortunately, the
prevalent conventional wisdom is that as long as you are performing function
analysis in some meaningful way, then you are true to the value methodology. The
discussion here is not intended to renew this controversy, but to explore how
FAST can become the framework for deriving balanced solutions to complex and,
perhaps, contentious problems.
1998 provided McClintock
Value Professionals (now Team Focus - MVP) with a full scale function analysis /
FAST laboratory, i.e. three VE study assignments on complex freeway projects for
the same client, the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario, Canada (MTO). Two of
these assignments entailed eight day combination Module I VE Training and
project review workshops for over 25 personnel, which gave us extra time and
personnel to explore different methods of looking at function. The result was a
new appreciation of the power of FAST, and a field tested approach to make FAST,
well, faster.

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
Published in June 1996 Value World
(Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1 – 3) by SAVE International
In reading Future Edge by Joel
Barker, the futurist who has brought the word paradigm into everyday usage, the
author was struck by the themes common to Value Engineering (VE). VE is in
itself a paradigm. As a refresher:
“A paradigm is a set of rules ... that ... establishes
or defines boundaries and ... tells you how to behave inside the boundaries in
order to be successful.”
"A paradigm shift ... is a change to ... a new set of
In other words, a paradigm shift
forces you to look in a different direction, much as a
VE workshop often does. These common themes are discussed to gain insight
into how and why VE works so well, and explore how understanding the paradigm
concepts can improve the application of VE to anything.
In the study of paradigms, several
things will be learned. First, people’s perceptions are influenced by the
paradigms within which they operate and people resist change because they are so
good at their existing paradigms. The VE paradigm helps us liberate our
customers from their paradigms in a supportive, creative, “pliant”
environment so they can accept enhancement of their paradigm, or even a paradigm
shift. Second, it’s an outsider who usually leads to a paradigm shift or
enhancement. The VE practitioner is well equipped to be that leader, or
“paradigm shifter”.
Third, those who apply the paradigm
enhancement or shift their paradigm first, through what is mostly an act of
faith, will gain the most. Especially with a paradigm shift, where everyone goes
back to zero, the ones using the new paradigm will enjoy great success while
everyone else scrambles to understand what happened and catch up. With the
application of VE, our customers are much more likely to be there when the
paradigm shift occurs.
Finally, a new paradigm, or even a
significant paradigm enhancement, gives us a new way to see the world and a new
approach to solving our problems. We know VE has always succeeded because we do
look at the world a different way through function analysis and we tend to
challenge everything. The consideration that what we are doing may be leading to
a paradigm shift, however, may be new to us. It serves to remind us that our VE
paradigm is a powerful tool, one that can have a profound effect on the world
around us. As VE practitioners, we need to continue to wield it for a wider
range of customers, with increased urgency, scope, and pliancy.

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
Published in
Jan/Feb/Mar 1989 Value World
(Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 12 – 14) by SAVE International
The dread of VE is real. This paper
begins by exploring the various forms that this dread takes and explains why the
use of VE less widespread as a result. It concludes that the dread of VE can be
overcome by facing it head on. It first helps us recognize the form of the
objection to VE, from territoriality to schedule disruption to the fear of loss
of control. It then develops specific strategies for each objection to help us
overcome them in the marketplace. The
paper urges VE practitioners and/or advocates to be creative in how we market VE
and begin eliminating the dread of VE.
"Dear Lord, why do they have to
VE my project? My preliminary drawings are completed and boy, are they well
coordinated. We could cruise through final design! Using many of the standard
details we've used for years, we could produce a great product and make a nice
profit. I'd look good and just maybe get that promotion I've been after.
Instead, those @#*$% Value Engineers
will come in here criticizing my work, swinging that cost-cutting scythe, making
me look bad at every turn, filling the client's heads with all that nonsense.
And delays!?! What if we have to redesign? How can I meet my completion date?
Why me?"
Who of us "Value Engineers"
can really relate to the above statement? Unfortunately (although, I'm glad to
say, it's only unfortunate in the context of this article), most of us can't! As
a design engineer long before I heard of VE, I should be able to relate to it.
However, when the biggest, most complex project I ever designed was
"subjected" to VE, I did not react with dread. I was curious. I
pitched in with the VE Team
was a completely different story. After complaining about VE vociferously in the
days leading up to the workshop, he continued to express outrage at the process
long after the design team had embraced the improvements. Why did this educated
man view VE like it was voodoo?
Why the difference? The dread of VE.
Like most VE professionals, VE made sense to me at my first introduction to it
and I embraced it. Due to our nature, our personality, or whatever it is that
makes us VE professionals, we have not personally experienced the dread of VE.
However, we need to understand the dread of VE in others so we can overcome it.

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
in June 1987 at the SAVE International Conference held in St. Paul, MN and
October 1997 at MIDCON “87, Focus on Basics for Excellence, Detroit, W I
This paper introduces the concept of
'Premise Plateau" and demonstrates its effectiveness in spurring VE Team
creativity in two VE Workshops. The VE Team recommendation for conversion of two
trickling filter tanks into buildings was a direct result of two premise
plateaus and was implemented.
Based on this and other successes, the
Premise Plateau is recommended as a valuable tool for VE Workshops.
I am sure many of you know what a
trickling filter is and some of you are aware of what a "premise
plateau" is! I am also confident that very few of you know what both of
them are! Therefore, to be safe, I will define both in layperson's terms.
TRICKLING FILTER - A bunch of rocks
(or plastic media or redwood slats, etc.) over which sewage trickles and is
treated by bugs (micro-organisms) living on the rocks. The bugs eat the
impurities, grow old, fall off and are settled, with the impurities, in a
sedimentation basin.
PREMISE PLATEAU - A creative thought process started
when someone forces you to make a specific idea (premise) work. The premise
may be totally opposite to your current concept. For example, design a
building as three stories instead of one-story or reuse an existing structure
instead of demolishing it.
Now you may ask, what do trickling
filters and premise plateaus have in common? The story told in this paper will
answer this question, not so you understand what trickling filters are, but so
you can use the 'premise plateau" technique in your workshops. In addition,
the story demonstrates a neat use for old trickling filters.

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
in June 1988 at the SAVE International Conference held in Torrance, CA
Published in Spring 1996 Quality by Design,
(Vol. 9, No. 2) by William Hayden, Jr.
Quality Control (QC) is a concern of
ever growing importance in today's design firms. Value Engineering (VE) is a
powerful tool which can be applied very successfully to QC.
QC programs and VE are compared to
show that they belong together. Characteristics of a VE workshop, performed for
QC purposes, are identified. Where VE workshops fit into a QC program is
discussed, as well as the place for some VE techniques outside of the total
workshop. Finally, observations are made as to why VE belongs in the QC program
of design firms.
Unfortunately, Value Engineering (VE)
is considered to be a nemesis by many AE design firms. The design firm completes
a preliminary design and a VE Team from other firms perform a VE workshop on its
design. Recommended changes to the design, no matter how well justified by
savings, flexibility, logic, etc., are viewed by the design firm as ... well, as
VE can play an active role in a design
firm's project management and QC program. It is a powerful tool and, when viewed
by the design firm as an ally instead of an enemy, it becomes even more
With the importance of quality control
in today's litigious climate, the design firm should leave no stone unturned for
tools to improve quality. VE can serve the firm well by helping it provide
technically sound, cost-effective, quality projects which satisfy client goals
and, therefore, are viewed as quality projects by the client. This is the
ultimate goal and the justification for use of VE techniques and workshops for

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
in June 1998 at the SAVE International Conference held in Washington, DC.
The application of Value Management to
public education issues and projects is rare in New York and many other states,
in spite of successes in Washington and Virginia. It is difficult to sell VM to
those uninitiated in its success, especially in the volatile world of public
education. How to sell it will be discussed, from the grass roots level to the
Governor. Examples will be given of VM success in one large school district and
the lessons learned will be shared.
With an 18 year background in planning
for wastewater and solid waste facilities, with population projections and
regulators galore, the task of planning for education as a school board member
did not appear daunting. Funny how wrong one can be when he has no experience on
which to base a decision. When will a new housing development explode? What’s
the birthrate in the district? How many kids will switch from parochial schools
to your school at ninth grade? When will the state budget get passed? And will
the public approve a $14 million computer technology referendum when two local
factories have just closed their doors??
In many areas of the country, the only
taxes which the public has any direct influence on are their school taxes.
Spending the public’s money gets very difficult when they have to approve it
by direct vote. Money is tight! Shared decision making is here to stay and
everyone wants to be heard. Local politics are volatile since every issue is so
close to home. In this atmosphere, why doesn’t every school district use VM
for its capital programs? For VM to step into the breech, it must be sold! How
we sell it to the “uninitiated” leaders of education is the topic of this

McClintock, P.E., CVS (Life)
in June 1997 at the SAVE International Conference held in Seattle, WA
Value practitioners have a gift for
recognizing value. We need to focus our gift on the world around us, beyond our
job and project responsibilities. Reasons why we should be stewards of our world
are discussed, including benefits to our lives, our communities, and our
profession. Examples of such stewardship are presented, both from real life
experiences of the author and other value practitioners and from a vision of
what could be. Conclusions address the rewards, which the value profession will
reap when our expertise benefits the world around us.
Value practitioners have a gift for
recognizing value. We collect information, analyze the functions, generate
creative ideas to satisfy the functions, evaluate to select the best ideas,
develop those ideas, and sell the best ideas to the decision-makers. Hopefully,
we all are able to earn a living doing it. The question weighed here is should
we value professionals be extending the scope lines of our application of this
gift, which many people and organizations don’t have, beyond our jobs.
Stewardship is the application of our gifts for the betterment of the
world around us. The word is most often used in a Judeo-Christian context, e.g.
1 Peter 4:10, “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same
one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Granted, in
this context, the gift refers to salvation. However, the principle is the same
for any God given talent, even a talent for recognizing value. We need to add
the required secondary function of SHARE GIFT to the critical path of functions
in our personal lives.