External and Tailored In-house
Training |
Accredited SAVE International Module I Basic
Training Seminars (Mod I) |
Accredited SAVE International Module II (Mod II) Advanced Training Seminars |
Risk Management training |
Life Cycle Cost training |
Team Building and Partnering
training |
Advanced Project Management training |
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) |
Value Engineering E-Learning Foundation Course |
Team and Management, and Partnering
workshops aimed at improving the way in which multi-organizational teams
work together, in a non-confrontational manner, setting up
Partnering Culture,
Integrated Project Teams |
Planning and Implementation of Project
Management Techniques |
Performance Monitoring |
Value Management Training Workshops |
Risk Management Training Workshops |
VE Module I and 2 Training Seminars
SAVE International VE Module I and II Training
Seminars are available on demand world-wide- contact
Martyn Phillips.

During a Mod I Training Seminar ,,,,,, |
Risk Management Training Seminars
runs Risk Management training seminars worldwide. We can give private
training to groups within a company or organization - contact
any member of the Team Focus Group for further
information. |
For further information on
training, contact
practitioner nearest to you. |
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